The Woodvale Woodland Project (WWP) is situated at the end of Meadow Lane and Sandbrook Road playing fields. This land is owned by Sefton MBC, and the project is managed by Woodvale & Ainsdale Community Association, developed by local volunteers.
To-date our volunteers have:
- Cleared up brambles and weeds and created a grassed picnic area
- bought benches and seats
- planted fruit trees and woodland bulbs
- cleared pathways & laid tree bark for better access
- kept the grass cut and cleared up lots of litter
- created an outdoor seating area and the school children from Kings Meadow Primary school use it for forest skills education.
- provided dog litter bins, so people can clean up after their pets
- hung bat and bird boxes to encourage wildlife and the natural habitat
- We still have lots of plans e.g. a wildflower area, a wetland area and a bird hide, and have acquired some more funding to enable us to achieve this.