News Updates

Terrific Tuesday

We had a terrific Tuesday evening with Jeni from Paint Pals.🎨
A group of local young people gathered together to showcase their painting talents. Each individual worked incredibly hard in their art, as you can see from the images below!
If your young person is aged 11 – 19 years old. Why not get them involved in our activities, no matter their abilities. We deliver a wide range of activities, from Rock climbing to Movie nights. 😁 enquire today – Call – 01704 573084 or – email –

October at WACA

🍂a fabulous start to October here at Woodvale, we have been jam packed busy 🍂
On the 3rd we had our monthly Afternoon lunch, we served a choice of Carrot & Coriander soup with a hot bread roll. Or Sausage, mash and onion gravy!! With a lovely pudding of Syrup sponge & custard.
We also enjoyed our youth session of Halloween crafts, where the young people painted and decoupaged Halloween decorations.
After this we had our weekly Warm & Well session. These are Wednesdays 1pm-3pm, however the last session of the month is 12pm-1pm, due to a busy timetable!!
This week we had the amazing artist Jeni deliver another brilliant peaceful painting session! Where each participant learnt skills & got the time to relax. These sessions are fully booked but please let us know your interest anyways so we can look into getting more activities like this on!
Then… our youth group created spooky yummy masterpieces, when they decorated cupcakes. They all fully enjoyed this session… maybe because of the extra chocolate chips or mini marshmallows they got to munch?
Plus a lot more!! All of this and it’s only the 11th of October…if you would like any more information on any of the activities please contact us!
01704 573084 –

Soul Refreshing – Pottery Painting

A lovely afternoon yesterday spent pottery painting and having a cuppa and cake with friends.
This trip has been part of our Soul Refreshing project (funded by Living Well Sefton) which has allowed us to provide opportunities and experiences for our older members which they may not have done before or for a long time!
We can go back and collect our finished products in a couple of weeks and we can’t wait to see how they all turned out 😁

Youth Voice – Litter Pick

Monday night our Youth Voice group worked as a team to collect a huge amount of litter all around the Woodvale area. We discovered lots of litter on Cherry Road Park, Down Sandbrook Road, and Around the Shelter on the field. We urge you to stop littering, and help us to help you in the community by keeping your area nice & tidy.
🌳Thank you to all Youth Voice members🌳

Knowsley Safari Park

Yesterday we took 10 of our members out on a trip to Knowsley Safari Park as part of our Soul Refreshing Project funded through Living Well Sefton.

It was an absolutely lovely day and we were extremely lucky to see some incredible animals on the 5 mile safari drive. We wisely opted out of driving through the Baboon enclosure but got a good view from the main safari and watched them play together as well as with windscreen wipers and jump all over cars and their wing mirrors – we were glad to have avoided these cheeky monkeys!

We had Rhinos, Lions, Ostrich and Camels in our path along the way and we felt like we had the chance to get up really close to these beautiful animals.

We stopped for lunch on picnic benches inside the main Zoo and went on to watch a Sea Lion show, see Meerkats and Giraffe before watching the final show of the day in the Birds of Prey house.

We headed back to the minibus and took one last drive through the Safari – another wonderful experience and arrived back at the Community Centre at 5pm.

We feel so grateful to have been able to provide such a wonderful experience and we can’t wait to continue this project next month.

Youth Voice group – Thank you!

We would like to say a huge thank you to our Youth Voice group who decided in one of their meetings that a local litter pick would be really beneficial in their community!
Last night we spent an hour out with our litter pickers and bin bags collecting rubbish from Meadow Lane, Cherry Road, including the park, Heather Close, Sandbrook Road (up to the shop), Brookdale and the entrance to the woodlands at Brookdale too.
They worked so hard and we are so grateful for all their work in the community!!

After their litter pick they came back to the centre and painted pebbles to go in the community herb garden! What a fantastic and generous way to give up their time 🥰 Thank you to everyone who contributed, you should be really proud!